A little over a year ago, I decided to take out the wall to wall closet in my office (it was built as a bedroom), so that I could better utilize the 2 extra feet of space it would give me. We took off the doors, eventually knocking down the stud walls, and drywalling in the open space. At the time, my office had a carpeted floor, which worked well for a bedroom, but didn't work as well for a sewing room/office. It had a tendency to be a magnet for bits of thread, and was a good way to hide pins. So, I decided that I wanted to put in a laminate floor. It was something I thought that we could do ourselves without needing to hire a professional. Boy did I not know how much work it was leading up to. Fast forward a year, and I finally have the money for my flooring. We then proceed to rip out all of the baseboards in my office, and patch and paint the walls.
We patched, textured, and primed the closet walls.
The old concrete. You can see where the carpet strips were, and where the old wall was.
After pulling up the old carpet, we realize that the floor isn't level enough to lay the laminate without levelling. We had to put down self levelling compound.
I painted the walls- Surf Spray.
Primed the concrete for the self levelling.
Added new baseboards, and started to lay the floor.
After 3 days of laying floor- we're almost done. Only 2 rows left.